Monday, February 19, 2007


posted under , , , , , , by Bloody Bonnie |
Hi there. You seem to care enough about this site to want to know a little more about me. So here goes:
My name is Amber A. Yoder and I've recently moved to New York City from the great white north of Ohio after graduating from Denison University. Since moving here I've worked as an intern with the interactive department of P.O.V. on P.B.S., a Production Intern with, and the Associate Producer/Project Manager for the film BLAST!. As you can probably guess, I'm interested in making movie magic and new media revolutions. In what little free time I have, I like to make videos, write screenplays, make art, have delusions of grandeur, and listen to people on the train.

If you have any questions, praise, job offers or business ideas, email me at AmberA.Yoder [at]

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